The insect scanner DISC3D
Technical information about the insect scanner DISC3D (Darmstadt Insect Scanner) is available in our Release at Zookeys.
Ströbel, B., Schmelzle, S., Blüthgen, N., Heethoff, M. (2018). An automated device for the digitization and 3D modeling of insects, combining extended-depth-of-field and all-side multi-view imaging. ZooKeys 759: 1-25.
All technical details are in the supplements, these are too freely available.
And finally there is a video with many examples here to see.
Will ich haben!
We developed the scanner in a collaboration between scientists from the Technical University of Darmstadt and the h_there developed. Of course we continue to develop diligently, also in consultation with various museums and interested institutions - we currently have two prototypes in use.
The scanner itself is open source - so it can be rebuilt. But we are also working on making the device ready to use or at least as a kitto develop.interest?
Interactive models
How can the 3D models from DISC3D be visualized intuitively and easily online? The largest community for this should be at sketchfab find. Also we show there some of our models.
In the media
The release of the scanner generated a lot of coverage in print media, radio and television. Of course we are happy about that.
Here we list a few posts that we particularly liked...
SRF science magazine (Swiss radio, December 1st, 2018) - Measured Insects
Image of Science (2018, 11:78-82) - Six legs in three dimensions
The World (07/17/2018) - 3D printed beetles to scale will soon be available
Hessen show (06/20/2018) - From 16:00...​
Darmstadt Echo (05/29/2018) -Insect studies in 3D